Thursday, March 26, 2020

Videoconferencing Etiquette

By now, you've probably participated in a video-conference or two (or maybe you're a Zoom pro!) For a fun twist, let's play a game! Take a look at the bingo card below and think about how many you've experienced...or maybe how many you've done yourself? (I'm particularly guilty of showing off my cat!)

But not to fret! There are some easy ways to ensure that you don't commit too many video-conferencing faux pas. Keep these ten tips in mind:

1. Make sure your tech works. A little preparation goes a long way. Test your software, your camera, and your audio before your meeting starts and make sure everything is running smoothly. 

2. Make sure you send out the correct link. It's frustrating to show up for a meeting and then find out you can't get in. If you need help setting up your meeting link, check out the Teach Anywhere resource page or contact Learning Technologies.  

3. Be on time! This is especially important if you are hosting the meeting. Don't keep your attendees waiting or wondering if they have the right room/date/time. If you wouldn't be late to a face-to-face meeting, don't be late to a video-conferencing meeting.

4. Pay attention to the light. Proper lighting is important. Why have a video-conference if you can't see your fellow attendees? Light shining toward you and on your face is better than light shining behind you.

5. Mute yourself when you're not speaking. Yes, this makes it tricky to jump into the conversation spontaneously but it also ensures that you don't spontaneously let your fellow conference-goers hear something you don't want them to.  

6. But don't hesitate to pipe up! The reason you are all meeting is to communicate ideas. If you have something to share, go ahead and share it. Just make sure to un-mute yourself! 

7. Wear appropriate clothing. In this era of work-from-home, it's easy to get into the routine of "day pajamas" and "night pajamas" but if you're doing a conference that includes video, make sure to put on appropriate clothing.

8. Leave the computer behind when you go to the bathroom or do things you'd like to keep private. Yes, this happened to some poor soul. Don't be like her.  

9.  Pay attention! It's tempting to check your email, or your phone, your kids, or your pet during a meeting but this can cause you to miss important information or a chance to contribute. 

10. Be flexible. Remote learning and meeting can be stressful for everyone involved. A blend of being prepared and relaxed can make everything go more smoothly for you and your meeting attendees.  

So there you have it! Ten tips for maintaining proper meeting etiquette when meeting virtually. What have we missed? Tell us in the comments!

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